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About me

Hi, my name is Marina Salas and I am from Barcelona, ​​Spain. In college I have learned the whole 3d pipeline from concept to compositing. Despite having a general background, I fell in love with Lighting.


Since I was a kid I've loved painting sunsets and taking pictures of insects. While I wasn’t doing that I was watching cartoons. I always said that I wanted to be a cartoon creator and when I discovered that it was actually a real job I don't doubt it. 

I love working as a team and seeing how each person gives little piece of themselves to create a final project together. I think I am a person who helps with everything and not just with his specialization. I like to put a lot of detail and care into all the projects that I do. If there are any setbacks I try to find some way to fix them. I think that you can always count on me and I'm easy to talk to (unless I’m in crunch time).

Animation is my passion.  I have found a new way to express myself without any limits except the render time. I  want to transmit stories and I hope to motivate more people to enter to this magic world.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!



Animation is a way of life, but it also makes me appreciate little moments that I didn’t notice before. The textures of the door lock, the shadow of the leafs or the way a squirrel jumps . As a Lighting artist I think you became more and more obsessed with all the light surrounding you. But is a good thing because that way you can find some magic in every little moment of the day.

Photography allows me to capture some of these little moments of the day. Here is a collection of some of my photos.

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